Green's Hill-Amy Lane's Home - News

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ten Hours Editing

I know I joke a lot about how my pastimes make me the world's most boring human, but seriously.

Yesterday I spent ten hours editing.

Ten. Hours.

I woke up this morning with an editing hangover--neck hurt, back hurt, head hurt--and then, because tired, I didn't make it to the pool which would have eased some of these problems considerably.

And I have nothing to blog about.  The kids let me nap today-- that was about it.

Wait-- amend that. Squish came home from camping with some sort of rash- that was exciting. Zoomboy came up with a good #hashtagwars line for #fantasysongs -- UpLaketown Village Funk.

So, there you go. All glitz and glamour here at the Lane house--it's practically Vegas all over again.

Speaking of Vegas, I just found out I forgot to tell poor Jennifer Morris from  Coastal Magic that Chicken was even at the convention  AND THEY K NOW EACHOTHER.  I just failed as a social director-- EPIC FAIL.

Okay-- wait. Here's something. I found the secret cache of kid gifts that Chicken collected. These are gifts she not only had bought for her siblings (and me) but swag she'd gone around and collected for us. The kids got excited about squishy wolves and things, and me?

Well, I love this not only because it's awesome, and DUCK, but because (unbeknownst to  Chicken) she got the swag of one of my favorite new friends of 2016, Asa Maria Bradley, who is funny and sweet and a joy to meet in any venue.

And now I have her duck.

I'm so tickled.

So, editing done, now is time to write!

At least I have friends to keep me company.

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